Cutting impact homes
Last updated: 8/1/22
June 27 – program was submitted
July 2 – We were notified that the program was undergoing internal review
July 7 – provider confirm the nature of the program and we moved forward with it being a web opt-in as opposed to both a web opt-in and keyword opt-in. They also requested a few minor edits on the website.
July 11 – i discussed the message frequency for the program with our provider and we determined that msgs will be recurring
July 14 – our provider let us know that they were currently waiting on their ops team to provide them with an update
July 18 – we requested an update for our provider
July 20 – provider told us that were working to see if there was any additional feedback
July 28 – we were notified that our provider’s carrier was still reviewing the application and that we would be notified once they are ready for the next steps.
Invoice history
Short Code Lease Invoice: $1,500 (paid)
Short Code Lease Renewal: $1,500 due on 10/21/22